User Searcher:Search username in 2000+ websites

With User-Searcher, you can search a username in 2000+ websites within one minute.

User-Searcher is a free tool for searching users, and it can also be said to be a social media search engine. Only need to provide a username, you can search for users on the website. We will display the avatar, self-introduction and the address of the personal homepage of the searched user to help you quickly and directly reach the user's profile page and find the user you are looking for.

Who should use the User-Searcher?

  1. Social media users: You can use User-Searcher to search social media accounts for free and find people you want to be interested in.
  2. Investigator: Use User-Searcher to search people's website accounts and conduct background checks.

How does User-Searcher work?

  1. User-Searcher collect a large list of most popular websites, including social networks, dating site, crypto forums and etc. The websites are ordered by popularity.

  2. User-Searcher search a person by username in the target site and find the account pages with the username.

  3. After found the user, User-Searcher will gather all the available information from account profile.

  4. Finally, User-Searcher display the search results according to website classification.

What are the steps to search a username with User-Searcher?

  1. First, find the username of the person you want to search

  2. Enter the username in the input box and click the search button

  3. Wait patiently for the search results to come out

  4. Use the filter to filter the websites, you can filter according to the type of website, and quickly find the person you want to search.

how to find the username in profile page?

Username and account name can be found in some similar locations of social media network. Some of them appear at the end of the URL, sometimes they appear in the profile page. Here are some examples:

Username of Facebook:

In the URL of your profile page, you can find the username of facebook. Find the profile page of the person who you want to search, then copy the username after the .

Username of Facebook

Username of YouTube

Go to the profile page of YouTube, then you will found the username in the page:

Username of YouTube Username of YouTube

Username of X(Twitter)

The username of X(Twitter) is your @twitterusername. As follows, the username in the picture is CarmenOSU.

Username of X

Username of LinkedIn

Beneath the picture, there is a URL address. For example, the username of the link is mstrathearn

Username of LinkedIn

Username of Vimeo

Click the profile which you want to search; From the profile page, copy the URL after

Username of Vimeo

Username of Instagram

Generally speaking, the username of Instagram is someone's nick.

Username of Instagram

Username of Pinterest

Login to your Pinterest account and navigate to your Profile. Copy the URL after For example, on OSU Education and Human Ecology Careers Pinterest page, you would copy the letters after .com/ (e.g.,

Username of Pinterest

Which website does User-Searcher search?

User-Searcher can search for usernames on about 150 websites. Whether it is social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, or dating sites, User-Searcher can easily find the users you are looking for. Below we have listed some of the sites where usernames can be found: